Day: March 9, 2023

How can Satoshi AI grow your assets while you’re asleep?

How can Satoshi AI grow your assets while you’re asleep?

Digital Assets and cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm in recent years, attracting a significant number of investors seeking to benefit from its rewarding returns. An entire new industry has emerged surrounding digital assets, with a combined market exceeding 1.10 Trillion Dollar as of early March 2023, a figure that even reached 2.2 Trillion during 2021. However, despite the growing market, holding your stakes in the market can be challenging, and identifying the best opportunity can be a daunting task.  Satoshi AI offers a comprehensive solution to crypto enthusiasts and hodlers by using deep neural networks (DNN) and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect market trends and generate the best yield for users from liquidity mining and staking.   Satoshi AI is an innovative pl...
New peer-to-peer chat application launches on the decentralized Streamr Network
Press Release

New peer-to-peer chat application launches on the decentralized Streamr Network

Zug, Switzerland — Streamr, a decentralized network for real-time data, recently launched the beta version of the, a new decentralized and serverless group and private chat instant messaging application. It offers a unique Web3 communication architecture. Chat rooms are actually streams on the Streamr Network with each connected participant forming part of a peer-to-peer mesh network for messages to flow through, without a centralised instance in between. This is unlike the chat apps that relyona central server. Henri Pihkala, Streamr Co-Founder and CEO “The Streamr Network offers an ideal opportunity to build decentralized communication and social media applications. For the Web3 communityt migrate from using Web2 messaging platforms, they need a protocol that’s fast and server...