Crypto News

The Role of Cryptocurrency in the Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering
Crypto, Crypto News, Cryptocurrency, Cryptonews

The Role of Cryptocurrency in the Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering

  Introduction Cryptocurrencies have been both praised and criticized for their potential to facilitate illegal activities such as corruption and money laundering. However, there is evidence to suggest that cryptocurrencies can also play a positive role in the fight against corruption and money laundering. In this article, we will explore how cryptocurrencies can help combat corruption and money laundering, as well as the challenges and risks associated with their use. Cryptocurrencies as a Tool for Transparency One of the key benefits of cryptocurrencies is their ability to provide transparency and traceability in transactions. Every transaction on the blockchain is recorded in a public ledger, which makes it possible to track the movement of funds from one address to another....
Types of Decentralized Exchanges
Blockchain, Crypto, Crypto News, Cryptocurrency, Cryptonews, Web3

Types of Decentralized Exchanges

  Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are a type of cryptocurrency exchange that operates in a decentralized manner, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other without the need for a centralized intermediary. There are several types of DEXs, each with its own unique characteristics and features. In this article, we will explore the different types of decentralized exchanges. Order-book based DEXs Order-book based DEXs operate similarly to centralized exchanges, where buy and sell orders are matched through an order book. These DEXs typically use smart contracts to manage the order book, which contains a list of buy and sell orders, and executes trades when the buy and sell prices match. One popular order-book based DEX is UniSwap, which is built on the Ethere...
What is Coin Burn In Cryptocurrency? Why Are Coins Burnt?
Crypto, Crypto News, Cryptocurrency, Cryptonews

What is Coin Burn In Cryptocurrency? Why Are Coins Burnt?

  Cryptocurrency has introduced a lot of new concepts to the world of finance, and one of the more interesting concepts is "coin burn". Coin burn is a process in which cryptocurrency tokens or coins are purposely destroyed, usually by sending them to a public address where they cannot be accessed or retrieved. In this article, we will explore what coin burn is, why coins are burnt, and its impact on the cryptocurrency market. What is Coin Burn? Coin burn is a process that involves the permanent removal of a certain number of tokens or coins from the total supply of a cryptocurrency. This means that the coins that are burnt are effectively taken out of circulation and can never be used or traded again. The act of burning coins is usually done by sending them to an address that is ...
The Role of Cryptocurrency in the Future of eCommerce
Crypto, Bitcoin, Crypto News, Cryptocurrency, Cryptonews, Dogecoin

The Role of Cryptocurrency in the Future of eCommerce

Introduction to Cryptocurrency and eCommerce Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. eCommerce refers to buying and selling products or services online. The use of cryptocurrency in eCommerce is becoming increasingly popular due to its benefits, such as faster transaction times and lower transaction fees. Benefits of Using Cryptocurrency in eCommerce Using cryptocurrency in eCommerce offers several benefits, such as increased security, faster transaction times, and lower transaction fees. Cryptocurrency transactions are also irreversible, reducing the risk of chargebacks and fraud.  Challenges of Using Cryptocurrency in eCommerce Despite the benefits, using cryptocurrency in eCommerce comes with some challenges. One of the main challenges i...
Twitter founds its new hype NFT collection
Crypto News, NFT

Twitter founds its new hype NFT collection

Whether you’re a blockchain enthusiast or an NFT novice, you probably know how valuable an NFT can be. Some of the most popular are selling for millions of dollars, and even smaller ones can fetch a considerable price. So what does a project make or break in the current NFT space? Nowadays, the NFT space is much different place than it was roughly a year ago with volumes being down by 93%. One of they key aspects which potential investors look at in new collection is how “hype” / “trending” a project is. The latest buzz going around on Twitter is about The Americans NFT. They are a great example of what the current NFT investor is looking for. The project is received over ten’s of thousands of followers in just a few hours after making its Twitter debut. The collection got picked up ...
FUNToken Launches its Decentralized XFUN Ecosystem in Partnership With Polygon Studios
Crypto News, Press Release

FUNToken Launches its Decentralized XFUN Ecosystem in Partnership With Polygon Studios

The largest iGaming token by market cap rolls out XFUN token, XFUN Wallet, and XFUN Casino to bring decentralized, non-custodial gaming to the mainstream. GIBRALTAR, April 12, 2022 – FUNToken, the largest iGaming token by market cap, has successfully launched its high speed, low latency, and gas-free counterpart on the Polygon network - XFUN. With XFUN, FUNToken has fulfilled the first quarter of its 2022 roadmap revealed in January. The rollout comprises the token pegged 1:1 with FUN, the non-custodial XFUN Wallet available on both iOS and Android, the embedded FUN/XFUN bridge that enables swapping, and the decentralized XFUN Casino. In an industry where player funds are traditionally held and managed by the operator on the basis of trust, FUNToken brings autonomy and control to ...
What Happened to POKT Team? We Need Your Support to Get POKT Token back
Blockchain, Crypto, Crypto News

What Happened to POKT Team? We Need Your Support to Get POKT Token back

On January 4, 2022, Hotbit spotted some abnormal deposits of POKT token and immediately disabled POKT trading/ deposit& withdrawal (announcement link) before communicating with the POKT team in no time. Hotbit has conducted a thorough investigation and reviewed the entire process, and present the detailed documentation (link to technical analysis). Brief conclusion is as follows: POKT team is responsible for the development and maintenance of the entire wallet technical documentation and block explorer. The document was defective when Hotbit integrated the POKT wallet on December 20, 2021, and this defect could not be detected through the block explorer. (After the incident was reported by Hotbit, POKT team fixed the bug on the documentation and explorer) This defect led ...
Blockchain, Crypto, Crypto News


More than 1,000,000 $ mystery boxes of SOUNI have sold out in just 02 hours on their website This news is one of the most recent huge mystery box sales that rocked the crypto market and SOUNI will become one of the hottest keywords in the 3D MMORPG blockchain game industry. We believe the last mystery box will be sold out in just a short time.  Remember that the two attractive benefits launched in parallel with our Mystery Box sale event: Get free token rewards: Besides valuable boxes, every participant will share the reward of a total of 30,000$ equivalent to $SON token Referral competition: the participant refers friends to win rare NFTs. there are high-value NFTs that strengthen your character, level up in-game or will be sold at a high price in ...
Metathon is calling for amazing DEVs and Degens!
Blockchain, Crypto, Crypto News

Metathon is calling for amazing DEVs and Degens!

🏆Apply here: (we recommend opening the link on a PC) Hi, metaverse enthusiasts around the world, as you read this letter, you may have just woken up in the morning, or browsed Twitter in the quiet night, or coded on your computer in the afternoon. Wherever you may be, Metaverse Alliance, a team of metaverse enthusiasts and blockchain believers on an adventure to explore the infinite possibilities of the metaverse, would bring everyone together. We have all gone through the bulls and bears of the crypto market, and we know that good thing must stand the test of time through ups and downs. There’s been a lot of buzz about the metaverse lately, but unlike those who jumped on the bandwagon, we firmly believe that the metaverse will create long-term value....
Bitcoin and Litecoin – How Are They Different?
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Crypto News

Bitcoin and Litecoin – How Are They Different?

After Bitcoin’s introduction in 2009, the public's interest in everything cryptocurrency-related has been on a steady rise. Even though Bitcoin is synonymous with digital money in many ways, there are hundreds of non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies available today. In this article, we want to focus specifically on Litecoin. In the world of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is often referred to as gold and Litecoin as silver. But are they competitor cryptocurrencies, or are they complementary? A Brief History of Bitcoin vs. Litecoin Bitcoin rules the cryptocurrency market, and it can be tough for other digital coins to stand out. However, despite Bitcoin’s domination and the overall crowded field of digital money, Litecoin has stood up well to the competition. In fact, as of March 2021, Litecoin has th...