
What is An Initial Coin Offering? Raising Millions In Seconds

What is An Initial Coin Offering? Raising Millions In Seconds

Share and get +16 +16 Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency’s world public crowdsale. Whenever a project wants to launch a new coin or dApp, they can conduct an ICO to attract investors into their ecosystem.ICO DefinitionThe most alluring part of ICOs is the lack of red tape and formality. More often than not, a company simply has to submit a whitepaper to qualify for an ICO. Companies have been able to raise millions of dollars in mere seconds, thanks to ICOs.In fact, the amount of money that ICOs have raised over the last two years is truly astonishing. In 2017, ICOs raised a total of $5.6 billion. If that sounds shocking to you then think about this.ICOs have already raised $6.3 billion, 4.5 months into 2018 alone!After seeing all these stats, it makes sense as to why more a...
What is Ethereum? [The Most Updated Step-by-Step-Guide!]

What is Ethereum? [The Most Updated Step-by-Step-Guide!]

Share and get +16 +16 If you want to know what is ethereum, how it works, and what it can be used for, without going deep into the technical abyss, this guide is perfect for you.Ethereum is a global, decentralized platform for money and new kinds of applications. On Ethereum, you can write code that controls the money, and build applications accessible anywhere in the world.Is Ethereum better than Bitcoin?Beyond Bitcoin & first-generation decentralized applicationsAlthough commonly associated with Bitcoin, blockchain technology has many other applications that go way beyond digital currencies. In fact, Bitcoin is only one of several hundred applications that use blockchain technology today. Until relatively recently, building blockchain applications has required a complex background in...
Ethereum vs Cosmos vs Hyperledger And More!

Ethereum vs Cosmos vs Hyperledger And More!

Share and get +16 +16 Different Blockchains  Smart contracts and the blockchain technology are all the rage right now. More and more people are trying to get into this amazing space for one reason or another. If you are new to this technology and are looking for a quick primer on blockchain-based developing platforms then this guide is perfect for you. The platforms that we are going to be focussing on and comparing are:Different BlockchainsBlockchain Battle: Ethereum vs Cosmos vs Cardano vs EOS vs Hyperledger So, why have we decided to focus on these 5? We feel that this group gives a healthy mixture of usability and functionality. Yes, we know that some of these projects are not exactly live, but we still feel that the potential of the projects is enough to warrant a place on our list. W...
How To Buy Bitcoin Anywhere! [Safe, Fast And Easy]

How To Buy Bitcoin Anywhere! [Safe, Fast And Easy]

Share and get +16 +16 There are a lot of options on how to buy Bitcoin, available in nearly every country of the world from, Gift cards, bitcoin ATMs, local Traders, broker, exchanges:  Our ultimate guide explains, how to buy Bitcoin anywhere in the world.Maybe you heard about this crazy cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The future of money, the revolution of payment, the digital gold, slayer of capital controls, holy grail of Fintech. Now you maybe want to know more. The best way to learn is just to try it. Buy a Bitcoin, pay with it, store it in your digital wallet, watch the price rise or go down. But where can you buy it? And how?For many people, the first acquisition of a Bitcoin is a terrifying process. It seems so complicated. But actually, it is not. There are a lot of options to easily, fas...
What are Ethereum Nodes And Sharding?

What are Ethereum Nodes And Sharding?

Share and get +16 +16 In this guide, you will learn What are ethereum Nodes And Sharding. If you’d like to learn even more, please take a look at our blockchain courses.If you have been active in one form or another in cryptocurrency for the last year then you would know that there has been one issue which has plagued both bitcoin and Ethereum: Scalability.Bitcoin has somewhat addressed this issue by activating Segwit and by hard forking into Bitcoin Cash. Ethereum, however, is trying to solve this issue in a different way. One of the many protocols that they are looking to activate, as they go into the next phase of their growth, is “sharding”. Before we understand what that means, we need to have a thorough understanding of networks and nodes. ethereum Nodes And Sharding?” width=”1200″ h...
Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo

Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo

Share and get +16 +16 Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo. The life cycle of a product is an intriguing one. The next time you’re buying something in the supermarket, think of what all it went through to get in your hands. Think about where all the raw materials came from, who all transported the raw material to production plant where it was created, and how it eventually got packaged and ended up in the very shop where you are buying it right now. Blockchain and supply chainAs you may have guessed, your product goes through a lot of processes and middlemen. This system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer is called “supply chain”.If you’re interested in diving deeper into supply chain and ...
How To Hire Ethereum Developers (Ultimate Guide)

How To Hire Ethereum Developers (Ultimate Guide)

pragma solidity 0.4.18; import "./Vehicle.sol"; contract VehicleOwner { address public owner; mapping(bytes32 => address) public vehicles; event NewVehicleAdded(address indexed newVehicle, uint256 timestamp); function VehicleOwner() public { owner = msg.sender; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function createNewVehicle(string model, string make, bytes32 vin) public onlyOwner { address newVehicle = new Vehicle(model, make, vin); vehicles[vin] = newVehicle; NewVehicleAdded(newVehicle, now); } } So, let’s go line and by line and understand what is happening here. Code: pragma solidity 0.4.18; An...
What Are Smart Contracts? [Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts]

What Are Smart Contracts? [Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts]

Share and get +16 +16 A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts TLDR: A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties.One of the best things about the blockchain is that, because it is a decentralized system that exists between all permitted parties, there’s no need to pay intermediaries (Middlemen) and it saves you time and conflict. Blockchains have their problems, but they are rated, undeniably, faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional systems, which is why banks and governments are turning to them. Enjoy a free lesson from the Blockgeeks Library!In 1994, Nick Szabo, a legal scholar, and cryptographer realize...