DOOR: Unlocking The Next Generation Of Ad Network With Blockchain And Crypto

DOOR: Unlocking The Next Generation Of Ad Network With Blockchain And Crypto

The advertisement platforms are misused and misunderstood time and again because of their free nature. This can cause disruption and loss for both consumers and service providers. To fix this prevailing problem in the industry, DOOR coin has come up with a brilliant ad referral system with the use of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are booming in today’s economy. From serving as an alternative means to make money to dominating the gaming and digital asset world with NFT, crypto is the next big innovation that is going to take over the world. DOOR coin uses the security and validity of crypto to make property ad referrals legitimate and accessible.  What is DOOR?  DOOR is an ad referral ecosystem that is powered by blockchain and cryptocurrency. The consumers, who are owners o...
PR Wire

Kismet Token: A Cryptocurrency That Leverages The Power Of Destiny and Fate

  Post Views: 16 Cryptocurrency is a game of luck that is guided by the free market. During this time of a pandemic, this path of luck seems to have saved so many people’s wallets from gathering dust. As people search for an alternate way to earn money, crypto presents itself as an easy and accessible commodity. The crypto market might seem volatile but the success rate depends on the choices of action one makes while trading.  What is Kismet? The word “Kismet” means destiny or fate in Arabic. With this concept, a BEP-20 token called Kismet (KST and KISMET) has been built in Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The coin leverages the power of the holder to control their fate and thus be responsible for their own profit equally for others as well. The concept of poverty seems to be a play of l...
Kismet Token: A Cryptocurrency That Leverages The Power Of Destiny and Fate
PR Wire

Kismet Token: A Cryptocurrency That Leverages The Power Of Destiny and Fate

August 19, 2021 by Delia Forrest 28   Post Views: 16 Cryptocurrency is a game of luck that is guided by the free market. During this time of a pandemic, this path of luck seems to have saved so many people’s wallets from gathering dust. As people search for an alternate way to earn money, crypto presents itself as an easy and   Post Views: 16 Cryptocurrency is a game of luck that is guided by the free market. During this time of a pandemic, this path of luck seems to have saved so many people’s wallets from gathering dust. As people search for an alternate way to earn money, crypto presents itself as an easy and accessible commodity. The crypto market might seem volatile but the success ra...
Kismet Token: A Cryptocurrency That Leverages The Power Of Destiny and Fate
PR Wire

Kismet Token: A Cryptocurrency That Leverages The Power Of Destiny and Fate

Cryptocurrency is a game of luck that is guided by the free market. During this time of a pandemic, this path of luck seems to have saved so many people’s wallets from gathering dust. As people search for an alternate way to earn money, crypto presents itself as an easy and accessible commodity. The crypto market might seem volatile but the success rate depends on the choices of action one makes while trading. What is Kismet? The word “Kismet” means destiny or fate in Arabic. With this concept, a BEP-20 token called Kismet (KST and KISMET) has been built in Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The coin leverages the power of the holder to control their fate and thus be responsible for their own profit equally for others as well. The concept of poverty seems to be a play of luck in the econom...
My Miner Shop: The Place For All Mining Hardware Needs
Press Release

My Miner Shop: The Place For All Mining Hardware Needs

The cryptocurrency algorithms need to be solved critically and with accuracy in order for mining. Mathematical problems are what form the basis of mining and solving them is the major process that is mining. It contributes to the blockchain ledger and all miners should contribute to this process. It is also called a computational puzzle and is a tedious process both energy-wise and processor wise. The process has become sophisticated and the more advanced it gets, the more the need arises to use complex machinery. A good and efficient mining machine can speed up the process and save a considerable amount of time.  Introducing My Miner Shop My Miner Shop is one of the best places for buying mining equipment. For those looking for high quality, efficient, mining hardware, then this is the ...

Spacex Network: A Cryptocurrency With Static Rewards And Secured

The pandemic has left people jobless and most are receiving pay cuts. While people are searching for an alternative source to make money, the economy of cryptocurrency is rising more than ever. Today, there are thousands of coins and tokens serving bigger causes than just making a profit. One such token is the Spacex Network ($SPN).  What is SPN? Spacex Network is a static reward token with great amenities for investors. There is a 10% trading commission that provides multiple rewards, charity and liquidity for $SPN token and thus the value of $SPN will also increase. The $SPN token static rewards are based on the trade volume and that way there is less pressure on the sellers to trade their coins. Every time an investor sells their $SPN, every holder will be rewarded for it. The more $SPN...
Spacex Network: A Cryptocurrency With Static Rewards And Secured

Spacex Network: A Cryptocurrency With Static Rewards And Secured

The pandemic has left people jobless and most are receiving pay cuts. While people are searching for an alternative source to make money, the economy of cryptocurrency is rising more than ever. Today, there are thousands of coins and tokens serving bigger causes than just making a profit. One such token is the Spacex Network The pandemic has left people jobless and most are receiving pay cuts. While people are searching for an alternative source to make money, the economy of cryptocurrency is rising more than ever. Today, there are thousands of coins and tokens serving bigger causes than just making a profit. One such token is the Spacex Network ($SPN).  What is SPN? Spacex Network is a static reward token with great amenities for investors. There is a 10% trading comm...
For Latest Updates On E-Gaming With Crypto And NFT
Press Release

For Latest Updates On E-Gaming With Crypto And NFT

Cryptocurrency has been quite popular in recent times. It has become more than just for trading and earning money. People nowadays are using crypto more as a utility and it has also replaced money in in-app purchases. Gaming is one of the aspects of crypto that is growing profusely along with NFTs. with NFT collectables and the ability to create our own NFTs, the crypto ecosystem is known more than just for digital currencies. There are thousands of online games that use crypto technology and NFT in their platforms. It is hard to keep up with crypto gaming news among all the mainstream crypto news. That is why Game wire has taken this big initiative. What is Game Wire? Game Wire collects the best news from the crypto gaming industry and puts...
Game Wire: For Latest Updates On E-Gaming with Crypto And NFT
Press Release

Game Wire: For Latest Updates On E-Gaming with Crypto And NFT

Cryptocurrency has been quite popular in recent times. It has become more than just for trading and earning money. People nowadays are using crypto more as a utility and it has also replaced money in in-app purchases. Gaming is one of the aspects of crypto that is growing profusely along with NFTs. with NFT collectables and the ability to create our own NFTs, the crypto ecosystem is known more than just for digital currencies. There are thousands of online games that use crypto technology and NFT in their platforms. It is hard to keep up with crypto gaming news among all the mainstream crypto news. That is why Game wire has taken this big initiative.  What is Game Wire? Game Wire collects the best news from the crypto gaming industry and puts out all the latest updates and trends. The en...
TripLeverage to Launch Binance Smart Chain Powered Token
Press Release

TripLeverage to Launch Binance Smart Chain Powered Token

This week marks further adoption within the blockchain sector as the well-known business travel agency, TripLeverage, announced plans to launch a blockchain ecosystem. The network combines an advanced token, deflationary protocols, referral discounts, and more to provide businesses with new savings and ROI opportunities. Here’s what you need to know about TripLeverage’s blockchain expansion. What is TripLeverage? TripLeverage is not a new startup. The company has been successfully operated since 2020. Since that time, it has managed to secure a host of high-level partnerships, consistently added new features, and improved its revenue generation. Notably, the firm intends to use 100% of its current revenue stream to further its blockchain aspirations via deflationary buybacks and burn...