eToro Review: 3 Key Findings for 2020
PR Wire

eToro Review: 3 Key Findings for 2020 is committed to the highest ethical standards and reviews services independently. Advertiser Disclosure CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. eToro is a multi-asset platform which offers both investing in stocks and cryptoassets, as well as trading CFD assets. Please note that CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 75% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. This content is intended for information and educatio...
Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo

Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo

Share and get +16 +16 Blockchain And Supply Chain: A Dynamic Duo. The life cycle of a product is an intriguing one. The next time you’re buying something in the supermarket, think of what all it went through to get in your hands. Think about where all the raw materials came from, who all transported the raw material to production plant where it was created, and how it eventually got packaged and ended up in the very shop where you are buying it right now. Blockchain and supply chainAs you may have guessed, your product goes through a lot of processes and middlemen. This system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer is called “supply chain”.If you’re interested in diving deeper into supply chain and ...
PR Wire

Advertiser Disclosure: helps investors across the globe by spending over 1,000 hours each year testing and researching online brokers. How do we make money? Our partners compensate us through paid advertising. While partners may pay to provide offers or be featured, e.g. exclusive offers, they cannot pay to alter our recommendations, advice, ratings, or any other content throughout the site. Furthermore, our content and research teams do not participate in any advertising planning nor are they permitted access to advertising campaign data. Here is a list of our partners. Disclaimer: It is our organization's primary mission to provide reviews, commentary, and analysis that are unbiased and objective. While ...
What I Learned the First Time I Lost a Million Dollars
PR Wire

What I Learned the First Time I Lost a Million Dollars

Jeff Dorman, a CoinDesk columnist, is chief investment officer at Arca where he leads the investment committee and is responsible for portfolio sizing and risk management. He has more than 17 years of trading and asset management experience at firms including Merrill Lynch and Citadel Securities.“Did you look both ways?”I recently took my 7 year old son out for a bike ride and he started to cross the street without looking.  I grabbed his handlebars and shouted, “Did you look both ways?,” and he responded, “Oh, I forgot.” Fortunately, there was no traffic that day, and I was right next to him, but I explained to him that remembering to look both ways is not a luxury you can afford to forget. But looking back, I realized that I failed to remind him of that before we set out.  Foolishly, I w...
Did Satoshi Nakamoto Move His Bitcoin Yesterday? No, But Craig Wright Shot Himself in the Foot
PR Wire

Did Satoshi Nakamoto Move His Bitcoin Yesterday? No, But Craig Wright Shot Himself in the Foot

On Wednesday a Twitter bot reported that a Bitcoin transaction came from a wallet that possibly belonged to Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of the network and author of the Bitcoin whitepaper. 👤👤👤 40 #BTC (391,055 USD) transferred from possible #Satoshi owned wallet (dormant since 2009) to unknown walletℹ️ The coins in this transaction were mined in the first month of Bitcoin's existence.Tx: — Whale Alert (@whale_alert) May 20, 2020   The recorded movement came from an address containing coins that were mined barely a month after the launch of the Bitcoin mainnet in 2009, at this time it is suggested that only three people could have known about BTC, one of them being Satoshi. Beyond the age of the wallet, the...
How To Hire Ethereum Developers (Ultimate Guide)

How To Hire Ethereum Developers (Ultimate Guide)

pragma solidity 0.4.18; import "./Vehicle.sol"; contract VehicleOwner { address public owner; mapping(bytes32 => address) public vehicles; event NewVehicleAdded(address indexed newVehicle, uint256 timestamp); function VehicleOwner() public { owner = msg.sender; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function createNewVehicle(string model, string make, bytes32 vin) public onlyOwner { address newVehicle = new Vehicle(model, make, vin); vehicles[vin] = newVehicle; NewVehicleAdded(newVehicle, now); } } So, let’s go line and by line and understand what is happening here. Code: pragma solidity 0.4.18; An...
What Are Smart Contracts? [Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts]

What Are Smart Contracts? [Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts]

Share and get +16 +16 A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Contracts TLDR: A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties.One of the best things about the blockchain is that, because it is a decentralized system that exists between all permitted parties, there’s no need to pay intermediaries (Middlemen) and it saves you time and conflict. Blockchains have their problems, but they are rated, undeniably, faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional systems, which is why banks and governments are turning to them. Enjoy a free lesson from the Blockgeeks Library!In 1994, Nick Szabo, a legal scholar, and cryptographer realize...